Jan 29th, 2021

Great Leaders Are Thoughtful and Deliberate, Not Impulsive and Reactive


All leaders have two selves. There’s the self we prefer to present to the world – the one that is run by our pre-frontal cortex and is measured, rational, and capable of making deliberate choices. And then there’s the self, run by the amygdala, that is reactive and impulsive and often causes us to fail to meet our commitments or overreact in frustration. The antidote to reacting from the second self is to develop the capacity to observe your two selves in real time. You can start by noticing and labeling your negative emotions such as impatience, frustration, and anger – to get distance from them. Also, watch out for times when you feel you’re digging in your heels. The absolute conviction that you’re right and the compulsion to take action are both strong indicators that you‘re operating from that second self. Finally, it’s important to ask yourself two key questions in challenging moments: “What else could be true here?” and “What is my responsibility in this?” Questioning your conclusions offsets confirmation bias and looking for your responsibility helps you focus on what you can change – your behavior.

You set aside the first hour of your day to work on a strategy document that you’ve been putting off for a week. You haven’t been disciplined about getting to it, but you’ve had one crisis after another to deal with in the past week. Now, finally, you’ve carved out 90 early morning minutes to work on it.

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