You earn Value Coins when you write your StrongHuman Destiny and help fellow StrongHumans

Do you want to own Value Coins? only StrongHumans can own them.

Value Coins you earn can be utilised in getting introduced/setting meetings with StrongHumans from other fields.

Professionals consulting for SHN members can charge clients in value coins and use these value coins to avail services & products of fellow StrongHumans

You earn more Value Coins when you are consistent with StrongHuman Destiny Journal

Value coins earned daily
Level for 1st 100 days of consistent destiny journaling 2nd 100 days 3rd 100 days 4th 100 days 5th 100 days
1 10 10 40 80 160
2 20 20 80 160 320
3 30 30 120 240 480
4 40 40 160 320 640
5 50 50 200 400 800

Only StrongHumans earn Value Coins!! Can you lead the StrongHuman Lifestyle??
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