Jan 27th, 2021

How to Tell If a Company’s Culture Is Right for You


During the interview process, you had a singular goal: to get an offer. Now that you have one, you must determine whether the job and organization are a good fit for you. Your first port of call: prospective colleagues. Ask to spend a few hours with your potential team for a group meeting or brainstorming session. Observe how the team members interact with each other. Ask them questions like: What are you working on at the moment? And what gets in your way? You also need to get to know your new boss. Quiz your prospective manager about their vision for the organization. Behind-the-scenes research is necessary too. Reach out to your network to identify people who know the company. Ask, What is this organization like to work with? Finally, reflect on whether the organization is a place where you will thrive. You’re never going have perfect data, and beware analysis paralysis. Trust your judgment.

Congratulations, you got the job! Now you have to decide whether to take it. You’ve done your research and know the ins and outs of the company’s public profile, but how can you assess cultural fit — and if you’d actually be happy working there? Should you reach out to former employees? Or ask to spend a day at the office?

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