Jan 28th, 2021

How to Win Over a Boss Who Just Doesn’t Seem to Like You


Chances are you will have at least one boss in your career who won’t like or trust you. If you don’t act early to correct their negative perception of you, it is almost impossible to make a comeback. So make sure to look for any warning signs that the boss thinks you’re a poor fit for the team — such as if they become very prescriptive in their guidance, start interrupting you in meetings, or give you negative performance reviews. Act quickly to regain their trust by asking what you did wrong and what you should do differently next time. Then take time to reflect on what triggered them in the first place. Often, it’s a case of not understanding your boss’s priorities or how they like getting work done. Ask your boss directly and also observe their nonverbal cues to see what they value and what irritates them.

Chances are that at some point in your career, you’ll have at least one boss you just can’t seem to impress, or who tends to rub the wrong way.

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